viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

The hunt begins,,,

Well, as I told to some of you yesterday, I finally listen that Endless Ocean: Blue World arrived Mexico, sadly it's only available at Costco for now... /:
I told my parents about this and they only told me was "no" I was like: "WHAT!?" you know why? Because they told me they were going to buy me the game as soon as it arrived here, but they suddenly changed theirr minds...grrr....but anyways the good thing is that at least I know the game is here and it comes with the Wii Speak, y'know? Maybe the special feeling I told you about yesterday was that, that I finally got some news of EO2 arriving my country! :D
But well, I have nothing better but to wait and see what happens! I'm a very possitive person so I think that anything can happen...

1 comentario:

  1. Aww...Well, I'm glad you're staying hopeful. :D I do hope we can play later on.

    (Oh, and tags are separated by commas. ;3)
