viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

Looong week!

This week has been really exhaustive, not to mention stressing!

First, my mobile, then a lot of projects, then a lot of homework, then a lot of hard tests! I don't even want to know what's next!!! :/

But well I'm done with my homework for today, just waiting for a good Friday break! …oh wait, I have school on Saturday @ 7am!! O.o The god news is that I have no school on Monday and Tuesday!! :D

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Loooooong day

Today was a really boring and long day, specially because of homework.

Curse you Crim, I never thought you could find me on Twitter, now I'll have to hide your gift in some other place on the interwebz

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Un cambio...

My first entry in spanish I think, so I guess some people will have to use a translator this time :p

Siempre quize saber por que, por mas que lo intentaba no lograba ese cambio, siempre quise saber que era lo que se necesitaba, creí haberlo encontrado, sin embargo, mis amigos me hicieron notar oportunamente la realidad, este cambio no era para bien, es por eso que siento que puedo asegurar que esa es la solución, amigos, amigos leales, aquellos que sabes que puedes contar con ellos sin importar la situación...solo debo recordar: 'sigue hacia adelante...'

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

A Crazy/Great/Boring day

So know I'm part of the army or so, so if México involves in a war I'll have to go to the battegield! :s

Today I played some games with friends and let myself be healed by the relaxing Endless Blue!

I forgot the birth date of a friend, so I guess I'll give him his pressent tomorow mbaybe, I don't like it to be like that, but in the end, what else can I do?

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Ymra eht nioj

Yeah, that's a Simpsons reference, today, I'll go leave my papers for military service, i'm kinda nervours about that...dunno why...

Homework massiva

Today I REALLY had a lot of hw, but in the end, I made 60% of it...yep, I'll have to complete my homework tomorow from 7-8:40 :(

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Router fixed!

Aparently the router problem was caused due to a cable, now that we replaced it, it doesn't losses signal, even when it rains!!

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Here for you

My friend from school failed a subject, he was very disappointed since his grades are really good, I told him that life is full of mistakes and that we must improve from those mistakes in order to succeed in life, he apparently felt much better after that,
I've got a feeling that tomorrow is going to be loooong day, don't ask me why it's just a feeling.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010


Ugh, today i woke up feeling really bad, i didn't wanted to go to school actually >_> . Sadly, I still went to school :(
Today it was a really boring day at school, nothing relevant happened...
oh, btw, Max is a little better today, he can at least stand by his own! :'D

Test 2

This not an app test...this is a life test. My pet Max has been injured, he cannot even walk. He is a little better right know, I just hope he gets better soon! :(

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010


This is a test entry made via the blogger widget for samsung mobiles