So I concluded my first week of classes from 1st semester. Honestly, if I woulnd't have had so many things going through my mind this last week, it would have been a pretty great week.
Sunday was just...awful, I guess everything started there.
On monday I was completely prepared for my first day of 3rd semester, despite I knew that this semester will have 3 difficult subjects, Anatomy, physical chemistry (or however it's called in English) and Cellular Biology. On monday I was supposed to have Biology lab, but the teacher never arrived to the class. Then came Anatomy, the professor never arrived and finally, I had Organic Chem III, I didn't like the professor that is going to give the class, he surely won't mind to give a 5/10 to the whole class if he wants to, the whole group has already made a letter to the principal in order to see if we can change the professor of that class.
Probably, the worst days will be Tuesdays, mainly because I only have 3 hours of classes, one of Biology, two of Organic Chem. III. The Biology teacher finally arrived to class, her name is Arcadia I think. She really got me interested in the subject, but I've never been good in Biology, so let's see how it goes. The Organic Chem professor never arrived to class. So yeah, I just went from 9-10, far from awesome.
Wednesday, I had Anatomy lab first, there are two teachers there, it was a little bit tiring, they tried to explain the rules and all that stuff, but we barely understood them. Then we had Anatomy class, the doctor that will give the subject seems annoying, I hope not, I don't want to have troubles with Anatomy. Finally, I had Applied Statistics, it will be easy, but ugh...that professor...
On Thursday, I had physical chemistry, I arrived a little bit late to the class, but the professor didn't seem to care, probably because it was the first day. He seems to be a perfectionist...thing I don't like. Then I had Organic Chem III lab, it will be in charge of the great teacher, Mayela, the same teacher that gave the 1st and 2nd Organic Chem labs. Despite all things that were going on, I said to Raquel: "I feel pretty happy today". She asked me why, I just told her that I was happy with everything I have, had and I've done.
Finally on Friday I had physical chemistry...boring! Then I had Deontological Ethics, it will be an interesnting class...I saw my statistics professor from last semester, I said hi and we shook hands, I really appreciate him. I went to downtown that day. I met with my sister and Marco, we ate at Carl's Jr. DELICIOUS! Then we did a little shopping for today, then we played my newest acquaintance, Mario Party 8. I had a blast yesterday, really. I think it helped me to get rid of some doubts.
Today we woke up early to watch Mexico's soccer match, Marco, my cousin Oswaldo and his girlfriend came by too. My mother prepared delicious molletes and sausages. For my surprise, Mexico won, I'm glad for them. I played TWEWY, I "finished" the Another Day mission, it was interesting, I really love that game...
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