domingo, 30 de junio de 2013

Día 9: Viviendo la vida en tercera dimensión

Hoy falleció mi abuela por parte de mi papá. No me siento mal, de hecho me siento feliz, pues ahora sí descansará, cosa que mi padre y mis tíos fracasaron en proveerle. Lo único por lo que me siento mal es por no estar en su funeral a pesar que yo era "el favorito", pero como mi madre dijo, si voy para allá no sería a verla, sino a ver a los demás.

Hoy fuimos a comer a un bonito restaurante para festejar el cumpleaños de mi tía. Comí una hamburguesa muy buena a decir verdad, lástima que sus precios eran exageradamente caros.

Estuve casi todo el día cuidando a mi prima con síndrome de down porque mis tías y primos no podían hacerlo (sarcasm alert!). No me molesta...mucho. He de confesar que alrededor de la hora 4 me comencé a hartar de cuidarla, pues repite muchas preguntas tontas intencionalmente, pero logré aguantarla por 6 horas.

Vi un montón de juegos baratos por allá, pero no le pedi ni uno a mis tías, pues sentí que sería un abuso, digo, me pagaron el boleto de venida y regreso del autobus para las vacaciones.

Regresé a la casa para andar un rato en la computadora y después bajé a cenar. Volvi a subir para bañarme y dormir. Por cierto, mi primo encontró un alacrán, me dan demasiado miedo esas cosas, espero no toparme con uno de nuevo.

Mañana entierran a mi abuela, espero que todo salga bien.

sábado, 29 de junio de 2013

Day 8: Twisted luck

Today was sort of slow again, I went downstairs around 10PM, I ate two ham sandwiches and played Monkey Ball the whole morning, I finally beat the Expert stages. I stopped playing around 2PM, just in time for getting lunch, we got fried cheese quesadillas, they were great, no one ate a lot of them though...

We returned to the park that I showed before, it was pretty full, there was a soccer tourney going on. Jorge actually participated and won his match, he will play again tomorrow the semi-finals, I'm sure he will win tomorrow. We returned to the house around 8PM, my aunt made...more ham sandwiches! Though, she didn't know I had that for breakfast. They were pretty good anyways. I played New Mario Bros with my cousins for a while, I got bored very quickly. 

After insisting a lot, I gave my Golden Eye disc and my phone to my aunt in exchange of her phone. It isn't that great, but certainly better and more expensive than both, the game and my phone combined. I still feel a little bit guilty...but well, she insisted...

Tomorrow my cousin and her son are leaving to Taxco, that's good, because that kid was starting to annoy me. Mainly because her mother barely takes care of him and my other cousins seem to think that he is a toy. Plus, he pees all over the house. .___.

I kinda want to go to the beach...I don't know if I actually want to go swim or just take pictures...but I won't let my family know, I don't want them to spend more money on me, since they're not letting me pay anything...

viernes, 28 de junio de 2013

Day 7: All together alone

Today was sort of boring. I woke up early, but I stayed on the computer 'till 11AM, when I got downstairs my aunt asked me to go with her to pick up Saul from his school. I said yes, I was kinda hungry though...luckily she stopped at a tacos stall and bought some tacos to bring to the house. The potato taco was nice.

My cousins played the Wii the whole day, I just watched, since they were playing one player games only, like Zelda. I was on the computer till 6PM; I went upstairs to the roof to enjoy the view by myself. I sure enjoyed it. I wonder if I'll ever be able to have some time to enjoy the view and relax when I become older....

This is were I sat

The view was quite nice

A ship left the dock, and they let the horn sound, I forgot about that and couldn't record it. I also saw like 3 balloons that were floating around, I'm sure one was a UFO though. :p
But it probably was a balloon since elementary schools are having their events (ceremonies?) for the 6th graders. I stayed up there until 8PM.

I later went downstairs and played Monkey Ball, but I did worse than yesterday, so I let my cousins play it more. We unlocked a mini game, Monkey you might guess, they didn't like it, We made it to the hole.

One of my aunts came to visit and brought more tacos for dinner, I didn't eat much since I was full, my grandmother gave me 7 enchiladas for lunch around 4PM, I was really full. 

And that's pretty much it, I talked a bit with Jorge before getting on bed...I hope tomorrow is even better than today.

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

Day 6: Warmth

I decided to start blogging my vacations. I already missed 5 days, but they really didn't had that much activity other than going to the church on sunday and to Coyuca on monday.

Today really started slow. I (finally) woke up early, though, there was no one awake at that time, my grandmother, aunt, cousin and her son went to the market to buy fish. So I was left alone with Jorge, he woke up later, I played Super Monkey Ball on the morning, but I was doing really bad, so I decided to do something else. Jorge stayed playing Golden Eye, they really seem to like it, I might give them my disc. I really don't play it anymore. Saul actually wants me to trade him my game for his cellphone. I said him no, since the phone is worth like 5 copies of the game.

I visit downtown with my cousins and my aunts. I really didn't find anything interesting, there was a lot of traffic and the weather was very hot. I was also feeling tired, since I was wearing sandals. I did took some pictures, my aunt bought Jorge and I some nachos, they weren't that great...

We returned home and ate "picadas" ( or sopes), basically they're like a thick tortilla with cheese, beans, onions and MOAR cheese. I really like those. I played few New Super Mario Bros. with my cousins before going upstairs to start writing this.

While I was writing this Jorge came into the room to ask me if I was going to the park with the family, I said yes since I was starting to get bored, though, I wasn't really sure if it was a good idea, since I get bored quickly. The park was nice, is relatively close to the house, it's small, but you can have fun there nevertheless. 

Jorge went to play soccer with some of his friends that he found on the park, Saul and my cousin's son went to the playground, while my aunts, my cousin (Karen) and I went to those weird exercising...things (third photo). It was nice, I was there for an hour I think. They're not that tiring at first, but they did make me sweat a lot. We might return soon. I like one were you had to sit and pull the tubes to lift yourself. It was really tiring. I did 3 series of 30, it was a bit tiring, though, my arms don't hurt. 

Also, the view from the park, and these exercising things was pretty nice!

We returned and all I wanted to do was to take a shower, but my aunts wanted to clean the small pool in the house so my cousins could get in, so I helped them there too. Though, I think that was way more tiring than exercising at the park, haha!

When we were done one of my aunts decided to do some pancakes, they were good, though, the best part was to drink really really cold milk, I love it! I stay few minutes downstairs before returning to my room, I am a little exhausted. Oh, I talked a little with my mom on dinner, she says she really misses me, but that she prefers me being here rather than being in the house alone.

Overall, today was kinda fun, I passed a good time with my family and had some fun. I wonder what we will do in the coming days? I hope we go to the aquarium, I'd like to go there, it isn't big, but it is fun.

Oh! Also, I'm finally starting to feel the hot temperature here, today the real feel was around 35-36°C, that's too much for me. Though, it was cloudy at the afternoon. The weather is really nice right now, there's some wind and the toads finally shut up. I don't know if it is because it stopped raining or because my uncle cut some of the branches where the toads were at the night.