viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

Live search

Ayer pasé toda la noche ayudando a mi amigo/ hermano Ángel a buscar cuanta información pudiera de su padre, lamentablemente, no encontramos más que la procedencia del número telefónico que le proporcionó, no estoy seguro si debo marcar ese número telefónico, digo, si intento hacerme pasar como Ángel, tendría que decirle quien soy yo tarde o temprano, y eso podría molestarlo, sin embargo, podría funcionar, la otra opción sería decirle que soy amigo de su hijo Ángel, pero eso podría perturbarlo y sólo lograría asustarlo y hacer que me cuelgue.
Hmm... Que haré?
Pero no te preocupes Ángel, seguiré buscando cuanto pueda para reunirte con tu padre! >:(
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Good news?

Oh I forgot to mention, now I have 3 more readers, however, they only speak spanish, so to my other two readers, expect to see few more posts in spanish.
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Time of our lives

Want it or not, live always has a challenge awaiting for us, at the beginning it may look hard/ impossible, but it doesn't matter how hard it may look, we must take the challenge and do our best to succeed at it. The result may be either good or bad from our perception, but it doesn't matter, we must be ready for it and we have to remember that things happens for good to the ones that follow the correct road.
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jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

(Ugly) Teaser

I still have to fix a lot of things...but well, considering I don't know how to draw, I guess it's decent...
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miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010


Recently I have been thinking, What us awaiting me on my life? Everybody seem to have awesome stories of their life...I also said to myself: Will I feel fulfilled with my human live when the end reach me? I spent a lot of time thinking about those 2 questions, but I finally came with a conclusion: I'm the only one who determines if my life will be either thrilling or boring, I shall be the one who creates its own adventurers, not the one who sees the others adventures. I must keep moving forward!

On other events, I can't sleep, plus I'm sick now, so good tomorrow its my last test...
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miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010


Last week has been really hard for me, a lot of stuff had happened to me, thanks God, it has not been bad stuff, but, neither good, mostly it has just been homework but well I barely could sleep for 4-5 hours last week... :/
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