viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

Live search

Ayer pasé toda la noche ayudando a mi amigo/ hermano Ángel a buscar cuanta información pudiera de su padre, lamentablemente, no encontramos más que la procedencia del número telefónico que le proporcionó, no estoy seguro si debo marcar ese número telefónico, digo, si intento hacerme pasar como Ángel, tendría que decirle quien soy yo tarde o temprano, y eso podría molestarlo, sin embargo, podría funcionar, la otra opción sería decirle que soy amigo de su hijo Ángel, pero eso podría perturbarlo y sólo lograría asustarlo y hacer que me cuelgue.
Hmm... Que haré?
Pero no te preocupes Ángel, seguiré buscando cuanto pueda para reunirte con tu padre! >:(
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Good news?

Oh I forgot to mention, now I have 3 more readers, however, they only speak spanish, so to my other two readers, expect to see few more posts in spanish.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Time of our lives

Want it or not, live always has a challenge awaiting for us, at the beginning it may look hard/ impossible, but it doesn't matter how hard it may look, we must take the challenge and do our best to succeed at it. The result may be either good or bad from our perception, but it doesn't matter, we must be ready for it and we have to remember that things happens for good to the ones that follow the correct road.
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jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

(Ugly) Teaser

I still have to fix a lot of things...but well, considering I don't know how to draw, I guess it's decent...
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miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010


Recently I have been thinking, What us awaiting me on my life? Everybody seem to have awesome stories of their life...I also said to myself: Will I feel fulfilled with my human live when the end reach me? I spent a lot of time thinking about those 2 questions, but I finally came with a conclusion: I'm the only one who determines if my life will be either thrilling or boring, I shall be the one who creates its own adventurers, not the one who sees the others adventures. I must keep moving forward!

On other events, I can't sleep, plus I'm sick now, so good tomorrow its my last test...
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miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010


Last week has been really hard for me, a lot of stuff had happened to me, thanks God, it has not been bad stuff, but, neither good, mostly it has just been homework but well I barely could sleep for 4-5 hours last week... :/
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

Something I wrote today at my spare time, nothing to worry about…I hope…

Bombs are coming, the bells are ringing, my soul is nowhere to be found; the enemy? Well, I am not quite sure who it is, could it be my friends? Could it be my friends from school? , Sometimes I even wonder if this war is not against me…

The bombs start hitting the floor, one by one, the people start felling to the floor, all I want to happen at this moment is this nightmare to finish.

One by one, my friends start to fall apart; all over the place, my disturbed body looks on every corner in the world; despite I found some real important people for me, I can't seem to recognize them anymore, are they really what I am fighting for? They may not notice, but with their words are like missiles aimed at my heart.

The war is here and now, I have been sent into the battlefield without any guns, there is nothing left for me but loneliness.

With the twilight, my body finally rests, wondering: What went wrong? Why is this happening? When will this finish? How do I get out of here? Been kind brought me into this situation, this people don't seem to care, is it really worthy to push myself over because of them? Definitely not!

The war may be coming to an end, but the black clouds loaded of consequences just started to appear; I am left here surrounded with darkness and doubts. The chaos is inevitable.

All I can say at the moment is that something big is about to happen…



Guess I have too much spare time, eh? :p

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Painting my room...

Well, it took me quite a long time, but I just finished painting my room of a nice looking green color! :D

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

Looong week!

This week has been really exhaustive, not to mention stressing!

First, my mobile, then a lot of projects, then a lot of homework, then a lot of hard tests! I don't even want to know what's next!!! :/

But well I'm done with my homework for today, just waiting for a good Friday break! …oh wait, I have school on Saturday @ 7am!! O.o The god news is that I have no school on Monday and Tuesday!! :D

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Loooooong day

Today was a really boring and long day, specially because of homework.

Curse you Crim, I never thought you could find me on Twitter, now I'll have to hide your gift in some other place on the interwebz

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Un cambio...

My first entry in spanish I think, so I guess some people will have to use a translator this time :p

Siempre quize saber por que, por mas que lo intentaba no lograba ese cambio, siempre quise saber que era lo que se necesitaba, creí haberlo encontrado, sin embargo, mis amigos me hicieron notar oportunamente la realidad, este cambio no era para bien, es por eso que siento que puedo asegurar que esa es la solución, amigos, amigos leales, aquellos que sabes que puedes contar con ellos sin importar la situación...solo debo recordar: 'sigue hacia adelante...'

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

A Crazy/Great/Boring day

So know I'm part of the army or so, so if México involves in a war I'll have to go to the battegield! :s

Today I played some games with friends and let myself be healed by the relaxing Endless Blue!

I forgot the birth date of a friend, so I guess I'll give him his pressent tomorow mbaybe, I don't like it to be like that, but in the end, what else can I do?

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Ymra eht nioj

Yeah, that's a Simpsons reference, today, I'll go leave my papers for military service, i'm kinda nervours about that...dunno why...

Homework massiva

Today I REALLY had a lot of hw, but in the end, I made 60% of it...yep, I'll have to complete my homework tomorow from 7-8:40 :(

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Router fixed!

Aparently the router problem was caused due to a cable, now that we replaced it, it doesn't losses signal, even when it rains!!

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Here for you

My friend from school failed a subject, he was very disappointed since his grades are really good, I told him that life is full of mistakes and that we must improve from those mistakes in order to succeed in life, he apparently felt much better after that,
I've got a feeling that tomorrow is going to be loooong day, don't ask me why it's just a feeling.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010


Ugh, today i woke up feeling really bad, i didn't wanted to go to school actually >_> . Sadly, I still went to school :(
Today it was a really boring day at school, nothing relevant happened...
oh, btw, Max is a little better today, he can at least stand by his own! :'D

Test 2

This not an app test...this is a life test. My pet Max has been injured, he cannot even walk. He is a little better right know, I just hope he gets better soon! :(

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010


This is a test entry made via the blogger widget for samsung mobiles

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Chemistry Olympiad

Well, this week I finally registered for the Olympiad, I hope I do good, I'm seriously not getting my hopes up since I know there are many other guys that know much more than me, still, I'll give the best from me! While I still don't know the exact date for the competition, I think it will be on the middle of Ocotber...well, I have nothing else but to start studying...

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Colegio de Estudios Cientificos y Tecnologicos Plantel Cuautitlan Izcalli (aka CECyTEM Izcalli)

Few pics from my school, that is just one part of the school, I'll see if I can get more next week!


Today I went to the downtown searching for some earphones for my phone, sadly I couldn0t find the ones I wanted, but well, I took some pictures, they aren't that great...but well, they're something!

Just street view

Street view from the downtown

At a side of "Bellas Artes" building

Bellas Artes, here you'll find all kind of events related to dance, theater and music

The "Latinoamericana" tower, the 2nd tallest building in Mexico, I couldn't make it fit in one pic... >_>

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Story contest entry!

I don't remember if I told everybody about this one, but I entered a short story contest last monday, first I entered 3 days later than the original date, so I only had less than one day to get my story done, I had a great idea, sadly the story couldn't be longer than 5 pages, and the idea I had was going to use more than 5 pages, so I had to change the main story into something completely new, I didn't like it that much to be honest, they're going to give the results tomorow!

New *dashing* look

What do you think? :P

lunes, 26 de julio de 2010

Listening to the wind of change...

...Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever...

...The wind of change blows straight
Into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring
The freedom bell for peace of mind...

The more I move away...

I'm not telling the story, but apparently my mother is really upset with me, why I certainly don't know, I maybe know why...but I really doubt is beacause of that, the only thing I know is that I won't let things like this...


But the more I try...

Well, today I spent the afternoon looking for my friend's facebook accounts, I found them all, but I only added Brenda and Mariana, I previously told them that I was going to add them, I didn't add Aldo and Eloisa since I didn't want to look like a stalker...time will do the rest I hope, but you know, I'm happy just bythe fact that they're all right! :D

domingo, 25 de julio de 2010

How it used to be...

Today, while I was browsing in my photos I found this:

The friends I met in Toronto, Canada. It is Alan, Aldo, Mariana, Eloisa and Brenda. I still have contact with Alan, we are friends since elementary, I barely chat with Mariana and Brenda, but Aldo and Carolina...I really miss them, espcially Aldo, we were together the whole time at Toronto, he was a very nice guy, not to mention funny...then, few months after we returned, he practically dissapeared...with no trace, he never replied my sms, neither my mails...while I still have the mail of his sister, Eloisa, I haven't talked with her neither...for almost 3 years now...wherever they are...I hope they're alrgiht and remember...keep moving forward...

A normal day,

Today it has been really boring...nothing relevant other than the rain is messing my modem... :/

This is all I ask for...

...just one day, I only want one it htat much to ask?

Tell me, tell me, tell me why not?

lunes, 5 de julio de 2010


So today I got all my grades...and trust me, the results were better if what I thought!!!

-English: /10
-Ecology: 10/10
-History: 9/10
-Diferential Calculus: 7/10
-Instrumental Analysis : 9/10 (one of the hardest subjects!)
-Titrimetry: 7 :/
-Microbiology: ZOMG! 10/10
-Physics: 7/10 better than I thought tbqh...

Total: 68/8 = 8.5 = 9! :O

Semester: 8.375 + 8.25 + 8.5 = 25.125 / 3 = 8.375

I must admit I'm happy with the results, I know I can do better than that, so let's go! 5th semester, here I come! >:D

Oh, also I bought a new nunchuk...since the other one I had was broken >_>

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010


This is a Jesus statue at the top of Taxco

The view from one of my aunt's house windows

My favorite photo...

As you can see all the house in Taxco are all white, it's a law to paint your house white there... O_O

An alleyStreet view

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

The end of a journey?

Well, this weekend I went to Taxco, I couldn't do much, so it was kind of boring (pics for friday!).

But well, this 4th semester is almost over!!! I'm going to 5th now! Just few more steps and I'll be out of high school! Dx I must admit I'm excited and nervous, it's nice to know I've made it almost to the end, but I don't feel ready yet...I hope this last 2 semesters fill me up with knowledge! :p

This week was a total living hell, seriously, on Monday I stayed till 2am doing some lab reports...yesterday-today I stayed up till 2am as well doing a physics guide for the test, sadly I couldn't finish it :( . Today I must complete my Microbiology notebook, hopefully I won't need to stay awake till 2am! >.<

So far I've got this grades:

-English: Pffttt! Exempt! 10/10
-Ecology: 10/10
-History: 9/10
-Diferential Calculus: 7/10 Dx
-Instrumental Analysis : ?
-Titrimetry: ?
-Microbiology: ? (I'll probly fail)
-Physics: Test is tomorow, still, I think I'll fail :/

I hope I do well with Intrumental, I got a good grade in the test, sadly I forgot my project at home the day my teacher checked them... :/

So yeah, tomorow I reach to the end of this journey, it left new and better things, but it took others with it, so I've got nothing but to keep moving forward...

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Giving the 110% of me

Well, I've been working as much as I can on my project, hopefully I'll win! :D

Aparetly the winners will go to NYC! :´D I can't wait!!!
So far the project will do great, also I started tests today! >_< I hope I do great! On friday I'll go deliver my project fourtunately they'll like it. But well, I've give my best for that project all I can do now is to wait and trust on me!!!

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

In my fantasy...

New song for the Blog! This time it's Nella Fantasia - Celtic Woman. Really good song, let me quote my favorite part of the song:

"In my fantasy I see a fair world,
Everyone lives in peace and honesty.
I dream of souls that are always free..."

Seriosuly I don't know how often USA news talks about this, but recently there have been a lot of deaths in Mexico because of the drug trafficking, at least 5 persons die each day, it's kinda sad to hear this, I only pray to god to keep my family safe (specially my family from Acapulco, since there are a lot of confrontations there), also to keep safe all of my friends...someday...someday my fantasy world will come true...

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

It's been hard day's night...

...I've been a dog...

Seriosuly such a though day today...everything was going smooth until 9pm, when my friend tells me to do an exposition for Ecology...I had few time to finish it! and then I needed to finish my Microbiology homework! >_<

I need a break! :p

martes, 6 de abril de 2010

Todos somos necesarios! :D


Now, seriosuly, there's one part of the song where the dog says: "We all have a function and a mission..." Made me wonder, what's my function and my mission on my live?...Hmmm....WE ARE ALL NECESSARY!

Endless Journey: Day 2

Woow! Just woow! Today someone was reporting a huge shadow in one of the regions you visit, so I said, " should probably be a whale, but ok, I'll go check what's going on" But I was wrong! This is what I first saw, I was like "Is that what I think it is?"

But then...


Cleaning my room...

So I spend the last week cleaning my room, because suposedly we are going to paint it! :D
But wow! I wouldn't ever expect to be so dificult, it was so messed up! x_x Don't believe? Here, take a look:

sábado, 27 de marzo de 2010

Endless journey: Day 1

Well, I've decided to star blogging what I do in EO2 each day, so...let's get started!


So today was a busy day for me in the game, I needed to do so many things in order to get those 1,000,000.00 Pelagos. I took like 5 guided tour request, 2 photo request, one treasure salvaging request and much more! D:

Also, while I was on one of my guided tours, I found this:
I hope something even better shows up on any mission I make tomorow! :D

miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010


I make this entry so I can remember what I once did to a good friend.... ;__;

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

The wait is over...

So... yesterday I went to the downtown, to the place were you can find any single game you've ever imagined it I go and ask for EO2 for my surprise they din't had it. Then I said wtf, I give up, I'll never find it! I've searched for it in every possible place in Mexico just to find it, and look at this! argh....

So yesterday I emailed Best Buy to see if they had it, and they replied "no", well I saw it coming anyways, but for some reason I said, I won't believe them till I go there, because I had a dream were I bought the game in Best Buy

So I went and surprise!!!!!!! They didn't had it! I was already going out of the store until I see that there was a shelve of all the new Wii games and surprise! EO2 wasn't there.....just kiding, THERE TI WAS!!!! EO2 w/ Wii Speak! finally, found it, my search is over, the wait is over, but I still have HW to do so...

I must hurry I need to dive today!!!!

viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010

The end of the hunt?

Well, first than anything else, sorry for not updating, but damn, it's hard to keep my blog updated and do HW >_<, so sorry to my readers! :/

Anyways, tomorow may be the final day, the day where my search finally comes to an end, the year and a half wait is almost over, but damn, it's hard for me to believe that I may find it tomorow, I mean, I almost got used to keep searching for the game without any luck! xD

You know, this week I've been thinking in something very special that only made me ask myself a lot of questions, how do I know if I've took the correct decisions this last days? specially becuase in the first days of this week I took some decisions that took me to some mistakes, fails and stuff like that. I've made some things this week that made me think if I'll ever regret making them...

Anyways, this is it, for my entry of today, I hope to update more often, take care my readers!


viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

The hunt begins,,,

Well, as I told to some of you yesterday, I finally listen that Endless Ocean: Blue World arrived Mexico, sadly it's only available at Costco for now... /:
I told my parents about this and they only told me was "no" I was like: "WHAT!?" you know why? Because they told me they were going to buy me the game as soon as it arrived here, but they suddenly changed theirr minds...grrr....but anyways the good thing is that at least I know the game is here and it comes with the Wii Speak, y'know? Maybe the special feeling I told you about yesterday was that, that I finally got some news of EO2 arriving my country! :D
But well, I have nothing better but to wait and see what happens! I'm a very possitive person so I think that anything can happen...

jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

Here I am...

Hello, thanks for coming to my blog, I don't even know why I decided to make my own blog.

Anyways, today, for some reason I felt strange, like if I was doing something special today (my blog entry, maybe? >_> ) of course nothing special happened. D: In fact it was the opposite, just a normal day at school, same boring subjects, lots of homework to do...but well, the weekend is just around the corner so I have nothing better but to wait.

Anyways, I hope you stay tuned to my blog, I'll try to make one new entry for each day! :D