100-word summary of the life of Issac
La puerta a un mundo de errores gramaticales y ortográficos de un estudiante de Licenciatura en Farmacia. Espero que lo que lean aquí sea de su agrado.
sábado, 18 de enero de 2014
Into the Light [2]
For that semester, there were three groups, the groups were assigned depending on our average. I was on the "best" group, so that helped, everyone was more calmed now, and the group was relatively small, which helped me relate to other people more. I got some friends there, Rubén and Maricela, we didn't talked much (yet), but we did hung together at tines. We mostly started talking because we wanted to switch into the morning groups (I can't remember exactly why).
The most notable teacher I met in that semester was my teacher from "Laboratory equipment usage", she was nice and made the class fun with her constant jokes. Overall, everyone enjoyed the course with her.
That semester also happened to be the best that I had (I think), with an average of 8.9.
Into the Light [1]
lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013
Colorful dark blue
miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013
Physical Chemistry was sadly boring too, the professor is going really slowly, we should be close to halfway through the course now, yet, we're still on the very first stuff from the course.
There was a test for Immunology. I really had no idea that there was, so I didn't studied, but I think I did good, we'll see.
After that it was just physical chemistry and phytochemistry the rest of the day an night. There's a test of Analytical chemistry today, but I doubt I'll even pass the test.
jueves, 4 de julio de 2013
Day 12/13: Results
Yesterday was really slow. We had a special dinner because of Saul's graduation. I played The Sims 3 on the morning and then brawl and kart with my cousins on the evening and...that was pretty much it.
Today was pretty much the same, though I only played Warioware and The Sims 3. My aunt from Acapulco left today.
martes, 2 de julio de 2013
Day 11: Lazy
lunes, 1 de julio de 2013
Day 10: Reversal
Today was simple, I went to the church and then returned home, where I passed the rest of the day.
I didn't do much today. I just washed the dishes, ate and played Brawl with my cousins. I also took care of my sick cousin in the day and talked to my grandmother on the night. I finally found something that I have in common with my grandfather, my grandma says that the two of us hate to be touched in the belly.
It's weird, everytime I come here I kinda forget of all the things that worries me, or some thoughts that bother me. I also like to come to the chruch from here. I wish I could stay here longer...
My other grandma was burried today, my mother told me that, as expected, everyone was asking: "Where is my grandma's favorite?". I kinda feel bad, but my mother told me that there was a lot of people there, so I really don't feel bad for being absent.
My cousin is insisting me more and more that we should box soon, it's funny, because when I had his age, I was the one insisting and he was the one that didn't want to...
domingo, 30 de junio de 2013
Día 9: Viviendo la vida en tercera dimensión
Hoy falleció mi abuela por parte de mi papá. No me siento mal, de hecho me siento feliz, pues ahora sí descansará, cosa que mi padre y mis tíos fracasaron en proveerle. Lo único por lo que me siento mal es por no estar en su funeral a pesar que yo era "el favorito", pero como mi madre dijo, si voy para allá no sería a verla, sino a ver a los demás.
Hoy fuimos a comer a un bonito restaurante para festejar el cumpleaños de mi tía. Comí una hamburguesa muy buena a decir verdad, lástima que sus precios eran exageradamente caros.
Estuve casi todo el día cuidando a mi prima con síndrome de down porque mis tías y primos no podían hacerlo (sarcasm alert!). No me molesta...mucho. He de confesar que alrededor de la hora 4 me comencé a hartar de cuidarla, pues repite muchas preguntas tontas intencionalmente, pero logré aguantarla por 6 horas.
Vi un montón de juegos baratos por allá, pero no le pedi ni uno a mis tías, pues sentí que sería un abuso, digo, me pagaron el boleto de venida y regreso del autobus para las vacaciones.
Regresé a la casa para andar un rato en la computadora y después bajé a cenar. Volvi a subir para bañarme y dormir. Por cierto, mi primo encontró un alacrán, me dan demasiado miedo esas cosas, espero no toparme con uno de nuevo.
Mañana entierran a mi abuela, espero que todo salga bien.
sábado, 29 de junio de 2013
Day 8: Twisted luck
viernes, 28 de junio de 2013
Day 7: All together alone
But it probably was a balloon since elementary schools are having their events (ceremonies?) for the 6th graders. I stayed up there until 8PM.
miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013
Day 6: Warmth
lunes, 28 de enero de 2013
A warrior must stand up if the enemy throws him to the floor...those are the words one must understand and live with in order to become the king, that is the pain that one must endure and live with in order to improve as being.
sábado, 26 de enero de 2013
Forgotten sounds
Fake words run through the misty wind, they try to reach as far and deep as they can, but no one knows the truth nor the strength they carry. Too bad their destiny is no other but to fail and disappear in the cold, just like the rest of my thoughts.
Few things are the ones that I fear the most, especially those words…those damned words which had to resurface just when I needed them the least. Doubting of my actions and decisions, I fall, victim of a silent, yet strong enemy…my past.
Creatures from the abyss, remind me how to lie.
Broken eyes
How do you recover from a loss? What do you do when the embrace of the cold loneliness runs through your soul? Do you let go on everything you thought? Where is the limit?
A deserted future awaits. All the things that I cared the most left, all the memories of happiness and joy vanished to never return. But…what is what follows? Dissemble a smile? Struggle to retrieve a false memory? Make everybody forget about me? Tears keep flowing through my face even though they will not do anything.
Souls from beyond, teach me how to live.
viernes, 11 de enero de 2013
The fallen warrior
He found himself in war again...shadows forced him to forget his strength, time to seal his doom. He did not wanted to, but he is there, steady, brave and ready; almost as if he does not remembers he lost his weapons during the journey...I wish you the best, my warrior. Now rest, because your time to leave this plane has arrived.